Nadi Om Wellness

a 501(c)3 organization





Please note when event registration closes. Certain events require supplies and advanced preparation. Fees for events cancelled due to low attendance will be credited back to your account. 

240622 Joy of Movement SB

Monday, Aug 5th

6pm – 8pm | $25

Registration closes Aug 4th.


Registration closed

Joy of Movement

a workshop with George

Our bodies are designed to relate to our physical environment through movement. Our ancestors sat approximately three to five hours per day two hundred years ago. Today, we sit for approximately 13 to 15 hours a day. Our culture has made sitting a required action during many daily activities, such as driving a car, watching a movie, or reading a book. Excessive sitting is connected to many health-related diseases and conditions plaguing our society.

In this Joy of Movement workshop, we will look at the science behind the movement, the health benefits of moving more each day, and creating a more move-centric way of being in our lives that honors our bodies and cultivates a healthier way of living life to our fullest potential.

Purchase the JOY OF MOVEMENT workshop in the


Don’t forget to book your workshop after purchase!

Space limited to eight (8) attendees… sign up today!!

**minimum attendance requirement of 3 – if not met, this session may be cancelled.